Matrilineal, by Tessa Hadley

Art Pepper
Art Pepper

SUMMARY, by Nora Carranza

At the very beginning of Matrilineal, we know that Helen had left her husband forty years ago.

At that time, she was married to Phil, and they had two little girls: Nia and Sophie.

The family lived in an apartment at the top floor of a house situated in a nice street of a good neighbourhood. There were beautiful trees and gardens around the building.

To get to their flat, it was necessary to climb up an exterior metal staircase which produced a strong noise at every step they take, no matter how carefully they were. A retired Reverend lived on the flat below theirs. He was always looking through the curtains when the family went up and down, and also complained when they speak aloud, or play music or made some noise on the top floor.

The couple was not very well off, only Phil worked. He was a jazz musician; he played the alto saxophone and gave lessons at a college. Helen was a dancer before having the girls. Since then, she worked at home, took care of Nia and Sophie, took them to play in the gardens or went shopping with them for what was necessary at home, or to visit her mother by bus.

Helen had kept the physical aspect of a dancer and had a natural condition for spontaneous elegance.

The story explains that one grey afternoon Helen was at home; Sophie was sleeping and Nia playing with her doll. Helen used that quiet moment for scrubbing the floor. Unexpectedly, Phil arrived early: one lesson had been cancelled, and he returned happy at home to practise with his alto.

But Helen was not pleased at all with that possibility. They started an old quarrel, about playing music at home, the Reverend complaining, the difficulty of changing home…

When Helen met Phil, she fell in love with him because of his music, his body and movements on stage, the attraction he had over the audience. Now that all seemed evaporated, he accused Helen of killing him, and she threw the scrub at him hitting his head. Nia was astonished.

That same evening, Helen left home with her children and arrived to her mother’s apartment. The father was dead and, the lady, Nana Allen, lived on top of a hairdresser’s and also worked there. Helen didn’t have a close relationship with her mother, they were quite different.

Anyway, that evening the grandmother was helpful with the three visitors. She prepared something to eat, put the girls to sleep and talk to Helen for hours, although they saw facts in different ways.

Nia is who remembers those facts forty years later. By then, Phil was dead (he died of a heart attack in his fifties), Sophie got married and had three children; Nana Allen also died long ago, and Helen is in her sixties. She’s still an elegant woman, has had two important relationships, but didn’t get married again.

When Sophie tells her mother her memories about that evening, Helen didn’t remember it at all; she sincerely believes she was in love with Phil, she loved his music and, besides, she could have had a career as a dancer (not her idea when married).

Nia proposed Helen a trip to New York, to visit a painting exhibition, and there they went.

Nia had started to be worried about that trip because Helen could get ill, or they both could start arguing, even if they went normally well together.

After a rainy arrival at New York, little by little they got confident with the hotel and the city, did many visits and enjoyed the museum. Helen seemed completely satisfied when, after visiting the Met, they got back to the hotel. Nia went out for some food because her mother preferred to stay in bed. Finally, they ate, enjoyed watching television and felt asleep early.

When Nia woke during the night, she perceived the heat and presence of her mother, as when she was a small girl, and happily felt asleep again.

Perhaps the idea of Matrilineal is that some things are transmitted along generations from mother to daughter, in spite of differences and distance, and they need each other along lifetime, mainly when life becomes hard.


-“Forty years ago, Helen left her husband.” The narrator doesn’t use the word “divorced”. Do you think they got back together for some time, or they got divorced immediately? How do you know?

-Think about where they live. Why is this scenery important ?

-Can you tell us what mum advices her children about clothes? Do you think it’s a good piece of advice?

-Do you think Helen left dancing because she had children, or because she didn’t like dancing so much?

-They had problems with their neighbours downstairs. What are the typical problems with neighbours?

-“Helen left Phil at about half past six.” Why do you think the narrator tells us the time so exactly?

-In your opinion, did the weather have any influence in the incident between Helen and Bill?

-The narrator says they were poor. What details give us this idea?

-What is your experience / opinion about practising music at home?

-What do you know about Art Pepper?

-Why does Phil attract people? Do you think that is enough to be in love with someone? What do you do with a person of only one quality or talent?

-The college had complained about Phil’s hair. What can you say about etiquette at work / school?

-What method do you have to calm yourself down when you feel extremely irritated?

-When Helen imagined him dying in an accident after a concert, do you think she really wanted him dead?

-In your opinion, do their children understood what happened?

-Does the physical constitution determine a person’s character? I mean, do fat people are nicer / funnier than thin people? Or is it only a cliché?

-Mrs Allen has a special pronged fork. Do you have a very special object, tool, instrument… ? What is the meaning of this tool in the story?

“Love is such a lie. In marriage, it’s a lie.” Is this a universal truth, or only a moment of irritation?

-Singing / writing about love, does it mean one knows what love is?

-Do you think we can efface from our memory moments of our life because they were annoying us or because we feel remorse?

-What do you know about Greenham Common?

-What do you need to do to have a good trip in company?

-What do you travel for? What are you looking for when you travel?

-What is the meaning of the visit to NY in the story?



pollarded, matching, nonchalant, cut and line, valet, patent, intimation, driftwood, backcombed, slacks, hilly, tugs, chunky, soundproof, portentousness, off-beat, alto, insane, cot, starkly, moorland, muffled, fleece, thrush, leading rein, buoyant, wary, retail, bill, wig, poised, quivering, stubbornness, bleat, nana, quilt, barrel, special pronged fork, adamantly, seersucker, matted, puckery, crossly, perm papers, cheated, crumble, whorls, rougher, dado, pampered, rough, cornered, conveyor belt, shredder, skewed, rakishly, Ladies, surly, seediness, courtroom drama


Dog, by Graham Swift



The plot is very simple: a 56-year-old father, remarried to a woman half his age, takes their baby daughter to the park in her pram; there, a fierce dog attacks another child, and he runs to the baby’s defence and fights the dog with a violence so extreme that in the end he kills it. Then he takes his child back home.

But the story has more issues than this terrible incident.

The protagonist is a self-made man who has made a lot of money, has had a family of three grown up and independent children, a divorce and some love affairs. Then, in his fifties, he got married to a young woman and had a child with her: a daughter whom he loves devotedly. It seems that, once he finished bringing up a family, he stars a new life, a new family and feels young again.

But perhaps the most important theme of the story is the man’s character. We can see that he has been someone who was able to control everything: money, love…, and that taking things in control was his worthiest feature. But now, when he has fulfilled his life (money, family, children) and he’s starting a new one, it looks like as he had lost this control, so he isn’t able to master his life any more: he can’t help adoring, doting on his child with a passion so intense that he even can’t refrain his fury when he kicks the dangerous dog. In the past, he thought he would be happy mastering money and feelings, but now he discovers that this breaking free of his emotions can make him happier.


What is for you the relation between money and happiness?

What do you think of giving allowances to your children? And what about the “social salary”, I mean, about the idea of the right to have a salary because you are a person, not because you work?

Do you think it’s a good definition of growing up, “gaining more and more control”?

Do you have a pet? Are you in favour to have a pet when you have small children? Is it a good idea walking the dog in a children’s park?

Do you think that it has to be forbidden to have potentially dangerous dogs?

Is it a good idea to consider your pet as a member of your family? Do you have a dog? What is its position in your household?

“People had dogs in order to have the illusion of mastery and control”. What is your opinion about this?

The scene in which the narrator kicks the dog to save a small child is a bit distressing. Why? Too much violence? But wasn’t he saving a baby from a fatal attack?

The narrator was all the time talking about control. Why do you think he lost control in the park? Was there any other motive besides from trying to save a child from a dog?

What do you imagine Julia’s reaction to the news is going to be?



utterance, feather-bedded, estranged, inveigled, entrancing, bumps, swerves, put her feet up, crocuses, dab, chunks, notch, graph, dire, threshold, toppled, full-tilt, heave, breed, headsets, bellowing, contraptions, stab, teeter, mauling, writhed, far-fetched, paean, grapevine

Mother's Son, by Tessa Hadley

SUMMARY, by Montse Puigvert


Christine, Thomas’s mother, works as a literature teacher at the university and lives on her own in a flat in London. She is working at home, as she usually does on Thursdays, when she suddenly remembers about what someone told her the previous evening while having dinner with some friends of hers: Alan, Thomas’s father, is going to get married to a young girl half his age, in fact she could be his daughter.

Immerse in her thoughts, she receives by surprise the visit of Thomas. He’s got himself in a bit of a mess and needs to talk. He usually doesn’t tell her about his worries, which means that something important must be going on. At first, she thinks it is concerning Alan’s wedding, but it is not, he’s actually happy about it. He’s having an affair with a girl she met at work called Annie, curiously the same name as his girlfriend, Anna. He feels so comfortable talking with this girl, she is very bright, but not as good-looking as Anna. He hasn’t told anything about it to his girlfriend yet, as he wants to be sure, rather than upsetting her for no good.

Furthermore, he is not quite convinced with his work as an assistant of a Labour member of parliament, whom he really doesn’t believe in. Due to that, he is thinking about leaving the job and going away by himself to live abroad, in Prague or Budapest.

He starts to be impatient to leave. Christine knows he is going to meet Annie without even telling her. Remembering the way he has talked about her before, she feels he is so infatuated.

She feels herself reflected on Annie and revives the relationship she had with Alan. They had an affair by the time he was married and with two children. For a short period of time, Alan left his family to live with Christine, and that’s when Thomas was conceived. The relationship hadn’t worked out because they quarrelled continuously and Alan missed his children. So he came back home, leaving Christine alone while she was pregnant. They only kept their relationship from time to time to manage things about Thomas. In one of those meetings, they had a huge discussion on how to educate his son. From that day, their relationship broke definitely.

In the following morning after Thomas went to see his mum, Anna visits her at the university and tries to know what’s going on. Obviously, even caring about her, Christine feels that her loyalty is towards Thomas’s confidence. That’s why she only tells Anna about his worries concerning his job, whether he was doing the right thing working on it. But Anna keeps jostling for more, in fact fighting for their relationship. Christine only adds what he said about the possibility of going on holiday to Europe, and supposedly on his own. Anna is very sad, and she will try to talk to Thomas to get the truth.

Deep inside, Christine envies the Anns for having this struggle over him, the game of pursuit and being pursued, and the feeling of possession, a possession which she, as a mother, had from the very first moment when Thomas was born and which is now no longer available for her.


-She had the news about Alan, she forgot them, she remembered next day, but then she only thinks about her place. Why remembering Alan make her meditate about her place and how she likes it?

-Why did she use Mondrian to decorate her flat?

-How do you know she liked her son’s visit?

-Can you make a summary of Alan’s love live?

-Why does the narrator give us information about the husband if the key history it’s his son’s?

-“Being good might be another kind of lie”: When or where can you apply that?

-Why does he prefer Annie to Anna?

-Christine longed those storms caused by her relationships long time ago. Why can anyone miss some herd times in their lives?

-Could that mother (stormy in her youth) be a good adviser?

-For our children, what is it better, a simple or a complicated life?

-Bearing a child is always a good experience?

-Could you say the Alan was a bit sexist, or he was a product of his time?

-What would you say to a child who asked you about death?

-Do you think parents can / have to solve love problems of their children?

-Is “being extra nice” a sign of a lie?

-Do you think Anna pays too much attention to her body?

-What is the meaning of the rotten egg at the end of the story?

-When you had a mess, is it a good idea phoning somebody to tell the about it to try to forget it?


bristling, thriving, entertained, slate, cost the earth, brogues, pull a sickie, cropped up, wagged, dummy, popped, slick, BFI, tame, pebbles, dabble, prig, mew, truce, patching, moody, jostling, swivel, rump, shallot, bleached

Buckets of Blood, by Tessa Hadley



Hilary and Sheila are two sisters, both daughters of a vicar's large and poor orthodox family. The memories of their childhood and youth are not exactly happy: endless queues to use the bathroom, scant food, a heater that hardly heats up, fear of his belongings being stolen by his brothers, and, especially, the figure of their mother, overwhelmed, permanently dishevelled, pregnant and with a wild appearance that made people look at her in the street.
For all these reasons, when they both confess to each other that they no longer believe in God, they decide that, in no way, they are going to follow the family model, to have a conventional family, or pregnancies, or children, or anything that remotely reminds them of how their childhood has been. As escaping from this pattern is not so easy, because of their status as women, they decide that Sheila, always more courageous and determined (and probably the older one) will be the one to lead the way by going to the university, so that, later on, Hilary would be also able to move away from the place where they still reside.

When Sheila is already at the University of Bristol, Hilary embarks on a hopeful bus trip to visit her. It is her first time away from home, she is shy and rather unfriendly with people because she doesn't know how to interact with them, and the trip makes her sick, but, despite this, she feels happy. She hopes to meet her sister waiting for her at the station, and then to go together to the Manor Hill residence, where she will be happily ensconced.

But nothing goes as she expected. Instead of her sister, a young man who seems ugly, short and very inattentive, comes to pick her up at the station. She is forced to follow him through innumerable streets, leaving behind the tower of the University, to reach a filthy building, poorly lit, with hardly any water, where her sister and a group of friends live illegally. Sheila is suffering great pains at this time, and everywhere there are small buckets of blood, because she is having a miscarriage. The discovery that her sister has had sexual relations, has become pregnant (by Neil, the ugly boy who has been waiting for her in the

station, and who is not helping at all in that situation) makes Hilary to be in shock, and changes their relationship forever. On the other hand, her classmates seem to her unattractive, and more concerned with drinking in pubs and consuming joints than studying. Hilary has a great disappointment. She can’t understand how people who are on the lucky side of life can behave so rudely and inappropriately, and she can even less understand the attitude of her sister, always willing to please Neil, despite the fact that he did nothing for her during her miscarriage, and that he is always arrogant and pretentious. Hilary can’t recognize in Sheila the girl who had always been her sister.

Finally, after a few days, Sheila accompanies her sister to the station for the trip back home. They have made it very clear that the family will never know anything about what happened, and they won’t ever talk about it again.

On her way home, Hilary thinks that her life will never change as much as her sister’s has, and she feels bewildered. Suddenly, the landscape that she sees from the window seems beautiful to her, and she is saddened by thinking that, when she'll die, she will stop seeing it; then she thinks that she is already dead, and she cannot see it any more, but somehow she is allowed to return to life, and so she decides to enjoy everything while she has the opportunity to do it, down to the smallest detail.



I think that Hilary and Sheila are very different, even though they are sisters.

The only thing that unites them is the fact of not wanting to form a family that follows the pattern of which they belong, and the need to flee from there.

When Hilary visits Sheila at the University, her hopes are dashed and her wishes changed. That was not the kind of life she expected there, and much less the life she wanted for herself. For this reason, during her trip back home, she suddenly finds herself appreciating the present: she doesn’t like the past, and the future is uncertain, so she decides to appreciate every second and every opportunity that the present offers to her.


-“She worried that she smelled of home.” Does every house / home have a different smell? Why does she say “home” and not “house”?

-What do you think of priest getting married and having a family? (Have you seen the film “Keeping the Faith”, “Más que amigos” in Spanish)

-How can you notice that someone has dressed up to be admired?

-Why did both sisters want to get far away from their home and not to become like their mother?

-But Sheila is studying Classics, a bit as her father. What kind of relationship is there between her and her father?

-Has religion or your opinions of the existence of God to be a private question? Why do you think so?

-Do you think there is trust in a family when the children don’t tell one another?

-In your opinion, why is their mother so disarranged?

-Why their mother’s pregnancies were humiliating for both sisters?

-How can you define “provincial”?

-Why does the author describe the hospital as something “sobering and impassive”?

-What do you think of the squatter movement?

-What do you know about Bluebeard story?

-Did you feel a difference between secondary school and university in the students’ attitudes in front of subjects and exams?

-To go to university is being in the “lucky side”?

-What is for you the event that changes a child or a teenager into an adult?

-In the story, Neil seems to be the “alpha male” because of his intellectual power or his coolness? Is this kind of rank going to disappear in the future?

-What do you know about the Oresteia? Do you think it’s a kind of symbol in our story?

-When Hilary goes back home, the weather is cheerful. What is the use of this for the story?



drawstring, navy school, school mac, Mothballs, Germolene, spots, dribbled out, remonstrated with, fleshpots, flaunt, surreptitious, reading, permed, hand-me-down, wellingtons, paltry, picked, palsy, entrist, beach rounders, twin-tub washing machine, playpen, dun, larked, ropy, maimed, pinstriped suit jacket, blue-rinsed, embossed, Brownie belt, squeak, dogged, daunting, quaint, racked, bundling, toppling, leering, shifty, Hills, Shuggs, kicked out, mould, reel, buckings, the halls, fractious, potties, tummy bug, studded, jug ears, lumpish, duffel coat, perfunctory, estate, fumy, slum, debunking, beeting, harrowed, heaved over, Brummie, small talk, shrank, gawky, lectures, skeins, haze, hummocky

Articles of War, by Graham Swift

Richard is the protagonist of this short story. Some day in September 1805, three weeks after his 25th birthday, he arrives in Plymouth when the night has fallen, after a long and exhausting coach trip.
He is a young officer destined to be in charge of the artillery on “The Temeraire”, a ship anchored in the port. He is the youngest of five siblings, and a single man because he is completely dedicated to the Navy.
Due to his arriving in town very late, he must stay overnight in a hotel near the harbour and wait a few hours until he can meet his crew. During this time, he can do nothing but wait and think.
He remembers one day in his life when his father seemed to suggest him that, although he considered him as one of the members of his family, he was not his son, so he should always be aware of his conduct: “know your place”, he said.  Although his father didn’t openly tell him he was his bastard son, he interpreted it from his gestures, but he kept it in secret for his own interest and for being grateful to his mother and sisters.
Despite having chosen the Navy as a profession and been already quite familiar with the sea when on board, he still often feels homesickness and several days’ seasickness, depending on the route and the weather.
He is aware that the nostalgia he feels would only be cured when he’ll get on the ship and join his crew on “The Temeraire”.
The story of this ship is very similar to his story in the Navy. Although he had practised a lot with guns, the ship, like him, had never gone into action, it had only experienced a mutiny on board. But this time, he has the feeling that they’re both going to fight against the French in a not-too-distant future.
He is convinced that he is ready for the battle and that he knows how to command his crew, firmly but without brutality. Only with words of encouragement, he will instil the energy to move them forward. And when the action starts, he mustn’t lose his voice, he must remain calm and give good example to his people.
“He trusted, simply, that he would do his duty. As he had done his careful, grateful, unmutinying duty to his father and (if such she was) his mother.”


What was the British situation in 1805?

Talk about the protagonist’s family.

He was the last in his family. Do you think your position among brothers or sisters (e.g., being the last, the first, the “unexpected addition” …) can influence your character?

He was possibly a bastard. Have you seen the film “Fences” or “Ôtez-moi d'un doute” or another one or a novel with an illegitimate? 
In your opinion, is it a good idea to give all the legacy to only one heir / heiress (elder son / daughter)?

What can “patient height” mean? (page 231, line 21)

Does everybody have a place, their place, in the world?

What can you say about the Temeraire?

“He preferred blue to red, and preferred either to the black and white absurdity of being a parson in a pulpit”. What did these colours represent? What do you know about “The Red and the Black”, by Stendhal?

What is the meaning of “men had dangled from its yardarms”?

What can you say about “Jonah going down to Joppa”? Have you read “Moby Dick”?

Why is that waiting for a horrible experience is sometimes worse than the experience in itself?

How do you think he is going to do on board? Is he going to be staunch? Will he be able to command over his sailors? Will he be the object of a mutiny, or will his ship enter into action? Will he survive?

Jane Austen novels are situated in the beginning of the 19th century. Have you read them? Did she mention the Navy or the Napoleonic Wars in her novels?

Ships and the sea are good themes for a novel. What novels of this kind can you recommend us?

What do you think of the discipline on board or in the army?



drizzle, shrouding, stooks, sodden, bidding, pitching, unwillingly, skulking, mince, dire, conundrum, unmanning, shore-bound, rag-doll, rasp out, probe, nagging, milksop, fitz, disobliging, limbo, retching, innkeeper, Second Rate, yardarms, timbers, blockade, Fourth Rate, forebodings, spleen, heaving, cocked-hatted, articles of war, kinship, splinters, flinch

Some films about "Men of War"

The Enemy, by Tessa Hadley

SUMMARY, by Alícia Usart

This is a story about a girl named Caro, who met a boy named Keith in a meeting of the Revolutionary Socialist Student Federation, at her university.
She had bought a new trouser suit for the occasion; she was very proud because this dress made her feel sure of herself and attractive at the same time. In addition, she was approved by some of her companions.
When she met Keith for the first time, she found him very attractive and charismatic; furthermore, his Welsh accent made women melt.
Unfortunately for Caro, when he approached her, he reproached the way she was dressed (not appropriate in a Revolutionary meeting).
She felt humiliated; however, she remained calm, but she kept thinking how she could take revenge. Since then, he was her enemy.
After the meeting, all the visitors went to an old house where Caro and Keith had a long night arguing together.
When everybody went to sleep, Keith disappeared, and, the next morning, she was shocked to find him sleeping with her older sister Penny.
Later on, Penny and Keith had a relationship during twenty years in which Penny had struggled with him, bearing all his bad behaviours towards her and their children, changing his behaviour to a softer one, after she finished with him, and he started a new relationship. Caro had supported her sister in all difficult moments she lived with her husband, to the point of moving where they were living, in Cardiff, Wales. 
Finally, Penny ended this relationship after she had a third baby and moved near where she and Caro were born.
Keith met another girl, Lyne, and they lived between London and Dordogne. In the end, it was Caro who was left living in Wales.
And then, one day he had to come to Cardiff to talk to some people about a new film project, and she received him at her house.
She spent all day shopping and preparing a meal which was eaten in an hour or so, but she enjoyed all this work.
They talked about old times and old idealisms. After all, she realized that she was not the same person now at her age of fifty-five.

Keith was a revolutionary, but now he understands in wines. All the time there has been a debate: Can a revolutionary eat delicatessen, own luxury cars, wear expensive clothes? What do you think?
Why was Keith an enemy for Carol, according to Carol?
Are there clothes for activists, and clothes for posh people?
What do you know about lefty parties, as Trotskyists, Maoists…?
What was Caro wearing at the revolutionary meeting?
Did you stop seeing someone because of your different political views or religion beliefs? Have you read Fred Ullmann?
Are boys more revolutionary than girls?
Are science students less revolutionary than art and humanities students?
Is still there machismo in the revolutionary ranks?
What do you think of wolf whistles and catcalls?
Can students (they usually come from middle class or rich families) be truly revolutionary?
Being a revolutionary leader, was something like being an alpha macho?
Why do you think Keith choose Penny and not Caro?
They mention "the way that men chose women". What is that way?
Is marriage a fatal destiny for most of the women?
Can you remember the incident with the gun? What can this tell us about Keith character? What is the meaning of this incident in the story? Why does the authoress decide to tell us about it?
Personality versus artistic talent: Does the personality of a writer create a bias in his or her works or in the way we read his or her books?
What are your lost illusions?
What do you do in your hairstyle o dressing style to keep you young?
Are patriarchal systems linked more to human evolutionary biology than to cultural environment? Give your reasons.
She accommodated his enemy in her house, but she cooked him an elaborate meal. Why? Did she feel she was receding to the traditional female role?

yawn, faltered, restless, stir, upset, prowled, PA, thane, eke, grant, trendy, fug, wolf whistle, Agit Prop, currency, muddled, scalding, mock-, motley, politicos, hassle, sparring, Enoch Powell, overstating, squeamishness, countenance, obnoxious, teasing, sheer, auburn, cosy, council house, bleak, estate, raucous, predicament, feted, basking, stern, pithead, winding gear, leads, tenants, pottered, DIY, gnawed, maudlin, skittles, rag, dreary, infighting, welfare, Black Dwarf, brimming, spills, fug, jacknifed, rangy, quaked, tuiles, bara brith, thwarted

Seraglio, by Graham Swift


This short story tells us about the relationship of a couple. We don’t know their names.  Maybe the storyteller, who is the husband, doesn’t think it is necessary. He explains the facts and his thoughts.  Neither, we never know his wife’s feelings in this experience.  They are on holidays in Istanbul, but they could be anywhere, their relationship would be the same.

They decided to travel to Istanbul, a place really beautiful and interesting, because they wanted something exotic, they needed holidays, but different. “A place where you can save your ordinary life”. They look for an escape. They feel that have suffered, and now they are in convalescence, so that’s why they want an exotic and special place. But this way they won’t solve their problems. Sooner or later, they’ll return.

Thanks to the husband’s narration, who has a tourist’s book, we know a lot of aspects about the exotic Istanbul. For instance, what is the Seraglio, the place where the Sultan had all his women or concubines.

He also defines what is his wife like, both physically and psychologically. And what is the couple’s life like.

It is a rich text in descriptions, full of adjectives that help the reader to understand and imagine the situation.

One day in these holidays, when the husband arrives to the hotel after he has done a photographic report, he finds his wife laying on the bed crying. She explains to him that a hotel’s worker has come to their room to repair the heater, and when he had finished, he approached her and touched her. The explanations aren’t much clearer, neither what they can do to clear up the incident. At this moment, the situation becomes tense. Is she the victim? Is he guilty because he wasn’t there? Is it necessary to inform against? What is the meaning of “touched her”?  Did she use this fact to blame him? Is he being insensitive? …

This fact makes the husband think about how they can have arrived to this way of living, and then he tells us about their past. Their wedding was seven years ago. They worked together. He immediately fell in love with her. Soon they got married.

He, practising an odd philosophy, tested his love. He had a lover to check that really the woman who loved was his wife. This adventure, like a secret Seraglio, finished when the wife was pregnant. But soon after, she had a miscarriage, and it all got ruined. Perhaps his cheating on her was also an addition to their crisis?

Between them, it was installed the silence, a common guilt, the incapacity to talk about the loss, the incapacity to talk about the causes of everything and about what they could do to get out of their mourning.  And so, the solution was the escape, covering up what hurt them, the loss.

From that moment, rewards are the most important thing: theatre, restaurants, concerts, exhibitions, and expensive holidays.

I think the last sentence sums it up well: “So, one doesn’t have to cross to the other continent, doesn’t have to know what really happened”.

Until when?


-What do you know about the history of Istanbul?

-A cruel custom is mentioned. Do you know about similar customs related to power?

-Beauty is sometimes terrible: that is what we call sublime. Do you know any examples of this?

-What do you think of the famous cliché “Men seem to have the power, but who really gives orders is his wife”?

-What do you know about Oman II?

-“On holiday, you want to be spared ordinary life”. What do you think of the tourists lying on the beach, while shipwrecked immigrant people that have come out of a small boat lay on the beach?

-Do you think clichés in the story about Turkey are close to reality? Have you seen “Midnight Express” or “The Turkish Lover”?

-What do you know about Florence Nightingale?

-Where is Surrey in England? Do you know anything about it?

-How fond of taking photos are you? How do you like taking them?

-Do you think something really happened between the porter and the wife? How do you know?

-According to your opinion, are police officers competent enough to attend assaulted women?

-“But I have wanted this too.” What does it mean? Page 4, line 11.

-Was he really in love with his wife? How do you know?

-What do you think of the saying “Out of sight, out of mind”?

-Can you comment the sentence “Men want power over women in order to be able to let women take this power from them”?

-Do you usually discuss a film / play after seeing it with your friends / partner?

-Who killed their baby? Did he have a reason to feel guilty, and thus cause the miscarriage? What reason could be?

-What is the best way to narrate an embarrassing / delicate situation?

-What do you think is the meaning of her holding “one hand, closed, to her throat”?

-Having in mind their circumstances (abroad, tourists, eastern country…), what would you have done in her situation, talk to the manager, go to the police, go to your embassy…?

-Why did the author mention that the radiator was “distinctly warmer”?

-Why in the plane “other people glanced at his wife”?

-Do you think their marriage will go on?



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