Showing posts with label loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loss. Show all posts

The Fly, by Katherine Mansfield

SUMMARY, by Maria A. Feijóo

This story takes place in a very brief time-lapse, at the end of a meeting between two friends. They both are old men, but very different from each other. Nevertheless, they have an important thing in common, as we will learn later in the narrative.
The first character introduced is Mr Woodifield. He is the youngest, although due to his poor health we could think he is the oldest: he has had a stroke, and his life and mental abilities have been affected. He is now retired, and we know that he is married and has at least two daughters, as we are told that they only allow him to go to the City alone on Tuesdays.
One of those Tuesdays, he goes to “the boss’s” office. This character has no other name in the story. We can suppose he really has been Mr Woodifield’s boss. He is five years older than him, but remains very vigorous and active. He also offers the perfect image of social success: he is proud of his house, of his money and of his position. He treats his employees in an authoritarian way, but he seems to have a real esteem for Mr Woodifield. Anyway, there is something that he does not want to talk about: a photography of a young officer that stands on his table.
At the end of their meeting, “the boss” offers Mr Woodifield a glass of an expensive whisky - he insists on that - in the awareness that he usually is not allowed to drink. Maybe due to the alcohol, Mr Woodifield brings out just the only thing “the boss” does not want to hear about. He explains that his daughters have been in Belgium, visiting the grave of their brother, Reggie, and that they also had a look at a nearby grave, the grave of “the boss’s” son, the young officer in the picture. This is what they have in common: both had lost their sons during the war.
After a few banalities, Mr Woodifield leaves his friend’s office. As he remains alone, “the boss” commands his clerk to be let alone for a half an hour. He is very affected and wants to weep. His unique son was the meaning of his whole life: he wanted him to inherit his business, his house, all what he built with so much effort.
But, surprisingly, he is not able to cry as he did at the beginning of his loss. He goes on thinking how great his son was, but six years have passed, and even looking at the photography he cannot really feel again the pain he was intended to feel.
Suddenly, his attention is drawn to his ink pot, where a fly is desperately trying to survive. In what seems a compassionate gesture, he saves the fly from dying by taking the poor animal out of the ink and dropping it on a blotting-paper. He observes the way the fly removes the ink from his body, and suddenly he takes more ink and drop it on the fly. Once more, the little insect removes the ink accurately, driven by its survival instinct. A second and a third time, the boss repeats the cruel gesture, and twice more the fly repeats his laborious task, each time with less energy. The boss continues observing and even talking to the fly, until it dies.
At that moment, the boss throws the exhausted body of the insect into the waste-paper basket. He has a very weird feeling that frightens him, but he calls his clerk and asks him to bring some blotting-paper. And when he tries to remember what was worrying him before, he could not remember. He could not remember anything at all.


This short story is very interesting because there are plenty of possible interpretations. The fly can be held as a powerful representation of the nonsense of the war, where young people lose their lives in an absurd way under the command of powerful people. It is also a vivid image of how difficult it sometimes becomes to struggle for life when we have been hurt by destiny. The two human characters are another image of the poor control we may have upon our lives. “The boss” is an especially rich character due to the contrast between his image of a powerful man, able to control his and the other’s life, and his very childish behaviour with the fly as well as his poor emotional ability to face and manage pain.


-How has your life changed since you are retired? Or how do you think it’ll be changed?

-Do retired people feel they are a nuisance for other people? In what sense?

-Let’s talk about cemeteries. Are they beautiful places to walk around? Do you know any curious cemetery? Do you go and visit your relatives’ graves?

-Do you think it’s correct to take away things from a hotel? (I mean: shampoo bottles, combs, toothbrushes…) Do you usually do it?

-When you travel, what do you remember best? (People usually tell anecdotes.)

-What kind of crier are you? Do you cry watching films? Are you ashamed of crying? (Kundera kitsch)

-According to your opinion, why do /don’t children go on with their parents’ trade?

-What do you think it’s the meaning of the fly in the story?

-Why did he torture the fly? Is it an instance of the banality of evil?

-Magic numbers; three times the man flooded the fly with ink, and at the third time it died. What do you think of ritual numbers? Do you have one? Why did you choose it?

-“But such a grinding feeling of wretchedness seized him that he felt positively frightened.” Why?

-At the end, he didn’t remember something, like the old man at the beginning. What does the writer tell us about this for?



snug, pram, City, at the helm, wistfully, muffler, treacle, on his last pins, tamper, rolling in his chaps, nutty, yer, saw ... out, cubby, spring chair, learning the ropes, man jack, tackle, look sharp 

Conversation about The Fly (listen to the audio)

Life of Ma Parker, by Katherine Mansfield

SUMMARY, by Aurora Ledesma.

Ma Parker lived a hard life. She left Stratford-on-Avon at the age of sixteen and started to work as a kitchen-maid with a cruel woman, the cook, who would not let her read her letters from home and threw them away. She also worked as a “help” in a doctor’s house. After two years, she got married to a baker. This was also a very painful experience. She had thirteen children, seven of them died very early. Her husband also died and left Ma Parker to raise the remaining six children all by herself. When they started going to school, her sister-in-law came to her house, to take care of them. One day, her sister-in-law had an accident and injured her spine, and Ma Parker had to look after this woman who behaved and cried like another baby.

Two of her children, Maudie and Alice, left her and fell into bad ways. Her two other sons went to live in another country, and young Jim joined the army and left for India. Her youngest daughter, Ethel, got married to a worthless, little waiter who soon died, leaving behind a newly born son, Lennie, to be taken care of by Ma Parker.

The story begins when Ma Parker arrives at her work as a maid in the house of a literary gentleman. She had buried her loving Lennie, who was the only ray of light in her sad life, the previous day. After opening the door, the gentleman asks her about her grandson. She informs him that he had passed away the day before. He enquires about the funeral, but Ma Parker doesn’t say anything about it and walks to the kitchen to do her work. After changing her clothes, she puts on her apron in preparation for her duties. While she is cleaning the pile of dishes in the kitchen, she remembers her small grandson persuading her to hand over a cent. She recalls Lennie’s tribulations. He had had a chest infection that he seemed not to be able to get rid of. Even though she has suffered a lot in her life, she has never complained and never broken down, but now, the day after Lennie’s burial, she is overcome and finally wants to cry.

Suddenly, she puts on her jacket and her hat and walks out absent-mindedly, lost in thought. She is unaware of her destination. She really wants to cry. It becomes difficult for her to postpone it any longer. She couldn’t cry anywhere, not at home or on a park bench. She couldn’t cry in the gentleman’s flat. She couldn’t find any location where she could be alone and cry. There is nowhere for Ma Parker to cry. It starts to rain, and she has nowhere to go. The rain can mask her tears, and she no longer has to hide and find a place to cry.



The story mixes the past with the present. The past is not a separate entity. Another literary device that Mansfield employs is interior monologue like “Why must it all have happened to me?” The most important, themes are social position and isolation. On the one hand, we see the literary gentleman who does not seem to understand how hard Ma Parker’s life is. He accuses her of stealing and discredits her as “a hag”; on the other hand, we have Ma Parker, a poor, uneducated woman. She pities the poor young gentleman for having no one to look after him.


-What are the things we have to say in a funeral? Do we have to tell only how nice the dead person was, or you can also talk their dark side?

-Why do you think the literary gentleman doesn’t have a name?

-In the paragraph “The result looked like a gigantic dustbin. […] or dark stains like tea.” There is a mixture of ideas: the dirty room next to the sad-looking sky. What is the relation between these two pictures?

-The literary man makes a “product called Life”. When do you think literature is Life?

-Katherine Mansfield died of consumption. What do you know about consumption and literature? Can you give us more examples of writers?

-What is the meaning of this sentence: “Then young Maudie went wrong and took her sister Alice with her”?

-Do you trust in the remedies appeared in newspapers? Do you have any anecdote?

-What kind of invalid are you: patient, angry, worried…?

-What would have to be the master’s attitude in front of an ill servant?

-What deeds do you consider that you have to do in private: crying, laughing, coughing…, but also brushing one’s teeth…?



parding, huskily, hobbled, marmalade, twinge, squashed, deadened, pail, roller towel, hag, area railings, chimley, range, beedles, sold up, loaves, chock-a-block, putting it on, bottils, postal order, stifled, counterpane, fitting by, as like as not




WOMAN WORK, by Maya Angelou

A Bit of Singing and Dancing, by Susan Hill

Susan Hill at the Wikipedia

Susan Hill at the British Council


She was born in 1942 in Scarborough, a tourist resort on the East coast in the North of England, where we have to suppose our story is situated. When she was sixteen, her family moved to Coventry, where her father worked in a car factory.

He got a degree of English at the King's College in London.

She got married; her husband died, and she got married again, and they went to live in Stratford-upon-Avon. She had two daughters. Later, she left him and went to live with a Barbara Machin.

She founded her own publishing company.

She wrote mainly ghost stories, as The Woman in Black, (adapted as a play and still on the stage in London) and crime novels, but also stories like the one we’re reading, or, for example, a novel set in the WWI, Strange Meeting, or Mrs de Winter (1999), a sequel to Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca. She explores the childhood cruelty in the short story The Badness Within Him, and in the novel The King of the Castle (it won the Somerset Maughan Award). She has edited several anthologies of short stories, including two volumes of The Penguin Book of Modern Women's Short Stories.

Hill's prose flirts at times with a romantic image of an aristocratic England and a sentimental vision of the country before (or during) the war and imperial decline.


Esme is a 5o year old woman who, as an only daughter, has had to take care during eleven years of her bedridden mother. Now her mother is dead, and a free future, open to all sort of possibilities, lays open in front of her. Nevertheless, her mother’s voice recurrently goes on admonishing her inside her head. But one day, a curious stranger comes to her door looking for a room to rent, although she had not even though about it. Of a sudden, she decides to rent him her mother’s room. Are they going to get on well? Would he be a trustworthy guest?


Do a bit of research and tell us what kind of TV programmes were “Morecombe and Wise” and “Black and White minstrels”. And who was Doctor Crippen (10, 11)?

What TV programmes used to see the old generation. And the new? Do young people watch TV?

How long are people in mourning? What do people do to show they are mourning (e.g. clothes)?

“An argument sharpen the mind”. What does this saying imply? Who were the sophists?

Talking about the will: what is your opinion about the government’s taxes on properties given in a will?

We usually see British or American funerals in movies. What are the differences between these and the funerals we celebrate here?

“You will feel the real shock later.” What do you think is the reason for this?

Esme tends to do the same things her mother did, although she hated these things in  her mother. Did you find yourself in a similar situation, and if you did, what do you think it’s the cause?

Why “Park Close could be a “comfortable” address?

In the story, there is a blatant ellipsis: the moment before Mr Curry holds a pickle with his fork. Can you explain what happened in this ellipsis?

“To stay young, you have to be constantly surprised.” How can one be constantly surprised?

Where is Mr Curry from? How do you know?

What is the meaning of “sound of wind and limb”?

“I am the kind of person who needs to give service.” Is an altruist person better than an egoist one? Don’t they do what they do for their own pleasure? What do you think about this?

“One is never old to learn, Mr Curry” What can people learn when they are old?

The story has an ending, but I think it could go on. Can you imagine a new ending?


shingle, banked-up, pipes, gale, sleet, pinched, scones, indulge, news items, bedridden, gulls, outing, will, extravagance, giddy, twilight, crawling, crooners, jabbed, runner, hoard, ruthlessly, cuff links, spruce, darn, rash, untapped, bulky, trimmed, loft, thatch, sinewy, bereaved, seances, curtailed, gave... away, bring-and-busy sales, coffee morning, dearth, carnation, dapper, boater, charabancs, putting green, despise