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Showing posts with label college. Show all posts

In the Hours of Darkness, by Edna O'Brien

EDNA O’BRIEN, by Glòria Torner

She is one of the most representative contemporary authors in Ireland as a novelist, playwright, children’s and youth literature, memoirist, scriptwriter, poet and short-story writer.



Josephine Edna O’Brien was born in 1930, in Tuamgraney, County Clare, a small rural village in the west of Ireland. The youngest of four children, she grew up in the atmosphere of Irish National Catholicism of the 1940s, marked by an alcoholic father, who was a farmer, and a strict mother in religious practice who considered writing “a path of perdition”.

After finishing primary school in her village, she was educated at the Convent of Sisters of Mercy, a boarding school in Galway.  In her 20s, she went to university in Dublin where she graduated in Pharmacy in 1950 and where she worked briefly as an apothecary. In 1952, against her parents’ wishes, she married the writer Ernest Gebler, with whom she had two children. They settled in London, where O’Brien turned to writing as a full-time occupation. Ten years later, in 1962, she escaped from a loveless marriage and moved to the desolate suburban London where, at least, she felt free to write.

Her life has been divided between England, where she has lived for more than 50 years and where she writes, and Ireland, where her writing comes from and where it endlessly returns, exploring her home country from a more detached perspective.

Edna O’Brien has publicly acknowledged that James Joyce’s works, especially A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, were her main inspiration and led her to devote to literature for the rest of her life.

Her first novel, The Country Girls, written when she was 30, was published in 1961.  It is the history of two girls who live in a backward and repressive country, especially in rural areas of Ireland. They grow up in their strict homes, attend a convent school from which they are expelled and travel to Dublin and London in search of imaginary opportunities, love and sex. This book was considered a scandal in her country and she was labelled an enemy of Ireland. Her family felt humiliated by this book. It was the first instalment of a trilogy, written in autobiographical style, completed with The Lonely Girl, later published as Girl with Green Eyes, and Girls in the Married Bliss. Now, these two books are set in London, and there the protagonists become disillusioned with marriage and men in general.

She has written more than twenty works of fiction where the main themes are Ireland and women. Some of them are: The High Road, Down by the River, In the Forest, The Light of Evening, The Little Red Chairs, and the last one, written in 2019, Girl, which was inspired by the Nigerian schoolgirls who were kidnapped by members of Boko Haram.

Other notable works include a dramatic work about Virginia Woolf, two important biographies, of James Joyce and Lord Byron, and an autobiographical essay called Mother Ireland.

She also has published nine short story collections where their setting varies, although Ireland appears in several of them. One of them is From Mrs Reinhard and Other Stories, where In the Hours of Darkness is included.




The story opens when the protagonist, Lena, a middle-aged divorced woman, is going on her way from London to Cambridge. She is accompanying her son, Iain, who is about to start his university studies. Along the way, she draws a parallelism between her memories of her loneliness feeling of a day in the rural land surrounding Sydney in Australia, where she had been before, and this present situation. She describes the English landscape with these words: “devoid of houses and tillage”, “depopulated land”.

When they are already approaching Cambridge, Iain observes the university complex with optimism, but Lena, who is imagining the general atmosphere of study, is intrigued and frightened. She would like to be in her hotel bedroom reading the novels of Jane Austen, her favourite writer. She reflects on the future that awaits her: she will remain alone because Iain is the youngest child, the last one who lived with her. The pessimism and the loneliness for her future begins now, with these words, “bereft of her children”.

Arriving at the hotel in Cambridge, Lena observes things she didn’t expect: the hotel is near to a car park, ruined, with a lot of bars and a general confusion and noise, a “big ramshackle place”. When the porter, who takes Lena to her room, loses his way, she gets dismayed.  She also dislikes her single room because it isn’t a familiar looking room and the furnishing represents everything she hates. At that moment, she would like to be at home, and she pronounces the sentence “Bad place to die”.

Then, wanting a cup of tea, Lena goes to the lobby where there are other guests. Her new impression is more negative than the previous ones. There is a lot of confusion in the lobby, full of shopping bags that prevent a fluid passage. 

Later, in the College, she thinks she is watching a scene not of academic life, but of a commercial life, and the people there don’t look like scholars or academics, they look like salesmen or tradesmen. After a while, Lena, her son, a young professor, two first course students and their host meet to have dinner. Lena says the meat is “lovely”, even though it is not true, and all the dinner is not very successful. The conversation turns to a professor with peculiar and strange habits, or about the reasons why the students are expelled before the end of the course; but Lena, however, is not listening because she is concentrated on the beauty of the evening outside. Although the dinner has started early, their host is the first to leave. Then Lena goes to the host’s bedroom, where she has left her coat before. There he starts talking about the reasons why he has never married. She gets frightened when she looks at a violent image: a painting of a wolf with a man’s eyes hanging on the wall.  At that moment, she impulsively kisses the host.

After dinner, Lena and her son stay for a while outside, walking on the street. They part at her hotel, where Lena says good night to Iain. They decide to visit the town the following morning because they know the time to separate is approaching.

This first descriptive part of the story, the adventure of moving house, has become a desolate experience with a dark atmosphere. She has imagined a better introduction for her son, but now everything seems to work against her, and this second part will be like a nightmare.

Lena goes to her room, but instead of the quiet room she has booked, she begins to hear loud noises and discovers there is a party going on. She leaves her hotel to find a place to sleep in her son’s, but when she gets to the College, she sees a young man wearing a small motorcyclist’s leather jacket coming towards her; at first, she doesn’t recognize him, but then she realizes that he is Iain; he’s going “in search of adventure”. They talk and joke for a time, and they say good night again.

She goes back to her noisy hotel, and the manager asks her if she would like another hotel; she decides to move to another one, but this second new hotel is worse than the first one. She finds the porter with an aggressive Dalmatian dog; he leads her to a room where another woman is sleeping, and both are annoyed by the mistake. At last, she arrives to an empty room very similar to the one she has just left.  It’s impossible for Lena to relax and sleep, although she decides to take sleeping pills. Waiting till morning in this room, she spots a notice above the mirror with an amusing comment, and, after that, she sits in a chair and waits for a moment. Finally, she decides to spend the night in the armchair.

Curious and surrealist ending of the story!


Two remarks

The importance of the title: “Darkness” means in a literal level “at night”, but in a symbolic level it means “difficult period”. There are also some symbolic images like “the wolf with a man’s eyes”, “a drunken woman holding up a broken silver shoe”, or “the Dalmatian dog”.  

As the story is written in autobiographical style and the narrator uses the Lena’s point of view along all the story, the events and feelings of past, the feelings and facts of present and the thoughts of future of Lena are present all around the story.



-Why does the narrator think of Jane Austen?

-The narrator feels sad because she’s leaving her son at the University. Do you think

her son feels the same?

-When you travel, what do you prefer, renting an apartment or staying in a hotel? Tell us your reasons why.

-Did you ever have a full English breakfast? How did you like it?

-How would you like to be greeted in a new place, as for instance, job, school, club…?

-In your view, why did the narrator kiss the College host?

-Did you have a bad experience with pranks at school / work? In your opinion, do they have to be forbidden?

-What are the advantages of studying in a boarding school?

-What do you need to sleep comfortably? What do you do if you can’t sleep? Do you take any pills?

-What is the relation between the title and the story?



tillage, tawny, bleached, predicament, bereft, props, toddler, lobby, ramshackle, buxom, spatters, spurned, china, freshmen, sorted ... out, johns, touch and go, cockerel, seed, sherbet, grouse, tackle, game, demurred, sprouts, raspberry chantilly, frayed paisley, cruise, forborne, knit up the ravelled, laced, rusticated 

Writers talk about Edna O'Brien