Showing posts with label just married. Show all posts
Showing posts with label just married. Show all posts

Was She the Only One?, by Graham Swift

SUMMARY, by Glòria Torner

The first sentence we read, “was she the only one?” is the repetition of the title, and it appears twice more in this initial paragraph. And with this humdrum question, the writer is introducing to us the memories of an elderly woman, Lily Hobbs, who remembers her complex relationship with her first husband, Albert Tanner, and, one year later, her different second marriage with Duncan Ross and their two daughters, Joyce and Margaret.

Every 25th of June, Lily remembers her first love. She got married when she was eighteen years old. Her happiness was short-lived because Albert had to leave home to go to war. At that moment, she kept his new white shirt, the last one her husband had worn before leaving home, without washing it. She hung it in the wardrobe as an object of blind adoration. Lily caressed, smelled and put on this “sacred shirt” that reminded her of a magical memory of him with desperate romanticism. Now this shirt means love.

During the war, Albert wrote some letters to Rose, but, when months went by, he wrote her less. After a while, she knew that her husband had had his first leave, but it was cancelled. The shirt is still without washing. And now the shirt also means fidelity.

A few months passed, and then Alfred returned home for fifteen days, but he wasn’t the same man. She was waiting for love, but he didn’t touch her. He was a cold and strange man who didn’t look like a soldier, but a salesman, or almost a criminal. She doubted whether he has injured or is still healthy. Then he explained to her that he was suffering from shell shock, and he has to report to a doctor to evaluate his illness.

This is the moment that Lily hesitates about washing the shirt, but she decides not to do it. At home, Albert, who is very angry seeing the shirt in a poor condition, orders her to wash it because he believes that his wife has had an affair. This climax of suspicion and disturb is increasing in a huge aggressivity. Lily thinks that, perhaps, he is preparing his desertion. Anyway, she washes it, and she thinks that, by doing so, he will calm down and will love her again. The shirt means crisis.

One day, Lily proposes him a plan to go on a boat to Marlow on Sunday. It would be a nice excursion because Lily wants to make love. Lily tells him she wants him to wear the shirt during the trip, and he does it. They were very happy, the weather is fine and they enjoyed being together. Now the shirt means sexual desire.

But suddenly he has a change of mood: he says he wants to go back because he must return to the war. This is the second time the shirt remains hanging in the wardrobe, but now it’s no longer a fetish object. It means sadness.

Later, Lily decides to throw it to the fire. Burning the shirt means heartbreak, poignancy, desperation and hate.

Two days later, Lily receives a telegram telling her that her husband, Albert Tanner, has died “of wounds”, on the 25th of June, ending the short marriage between Lily and Albert, like an elegy about how the war wasted lives and blasted hopes.

Following the story, she also remembers her second life. Three months later, Lily is going to Reading because of a job as a maid. On the train, she met Duncan. It was a lucky meeting because in him, she finds her new husband, the man who gives her love and sex.

But now she goes on remembering and thinking about the relationship between her sad past, Albert, and her real present, Duncan, who satisfies her desires.

At the end of the story, the first interrogative sentence becomes an affirmative one: that closes the story with this maxim.



After reading this sad and melancholic story, there are some questions in my mind:

Is the first marriage a real one, or it is only loneliness? Has she had sexual pleasure only in the second marriage?

Is “Albert his name before leaving home, and “Bert” after going to war? I don’t know.

The story doesn’t follow any linear order from the beginning to the end. The writer wants to mix memories, sometimes in direct dialogue in third person between, sentences in second person to her second husband, and also with narrative and descriptive writing; and with the adding of “voice-over”, it becomes a complex text.
Finally, the story, “was she the only one”, is a reflexion about how a war can change a man.


-Is it a film cliché, smelling our beloved clothes in order to remember them? Do you believe pheromones really affect humans?

-What do you know about shell shock? Have you seen the film Benediction or Regeneration or Johnny Got his Gun or Colonel Redl??

-Bert was a little fastidious: do you think his character made him prone to shell shock? Do you think some illnesses are psychosomatic?

-What do you think about military service? Has it to be obligatory?

-What implications does the word “appetites” have when meaning a woman’s sexual desire? Can shell shock cancel sexual desire?

-Did she really wish Albert went back to the front? What was harder for her: her husband’s shell-shock or her husband being in the trenches?

-Do you approve of desertion or shirking?

-What can you tell us about the beginning of the WWI?

-Why do you think he had become a corporal so quickly?

-“Wear this shirt for me” meant for Lily “let’s make love”. Do you remember other expressions from literature meaning “let’s make love”?

-“Hello, Lily. Can I come in?” was a very formal greeting and Lily felt it immediately. Can we discover other people mood only for the words they have chosen? Do you know any example?

-What is now “the height of sexiness”? What does “sexiness” depend on?

-Do you think our sweat smell differently according to our feelings / mood? They say animals are scared when they are going to die and that this fear corrupts their flesh, so we are eating corrupted meat all the time. What do you think about it?

-“He wanted to go back and be really dead”: was it the true reason?

-Why did she think the “intelligence” was hers?

-For children, do you prefer having boys or girls? In some countries there’s a preference for girls, and in some other for boys? Do you know why?



stud, ripe, fussy, leave, shell shock, measles, MO, lent, fabric, sheer, skulking, bellowed, private, mangle, break down, tub, fumblingly, thwarted, coaxing, tit-for-tat, willow, swan, put-upon, jetty, oars, loll, reeking, flustered, intelligence, cope, swathe, morsel, decoy


The Ring, by Isak Dinesen

Karen Blixen:

Isak Dinesen was the pseudonym of Karen Blixen. Most people remember her because she was the heroine of Out of Africa, but Karen's life and character have very little to do with the role acted by Meryl Streep.

The Danish author Karen Blixen (1885) belonged to an aristocratic family. She was grown up by some aunts obsessed by being nobles. She fell in love with a distant cousin of hers, but he rejected her and then she got married to his twin brother, a baron, with whom she sent to Kenya. The marriage was a disaster, and he transmitted the syphilis to her. He was also very bad at bussines, and she had to take care of their coffee plantation. At last, they went bankrupt, and she came back to Denmark, where she started to write.

Hemingway said she deserved the Nobel Prize more than himself.

Another very famous work of hers is Babette's Feast, also adapted to a film.


Was theirs a balanced marriage?
How do we know that they were happy?
What was the difference of character between them?
Where did they go in a lovely July morning?
Why does she think "What a baby he is! I'm a hundred years older than he?"
What happened to some of the English lambs?
What crimes did the thief commit?
What were Lise's feelings about the thief?
Why was she happy when she was alone?
Why did she go into the shrubbery?
Who did she find in the shelter?
What did the man do with the knife? What does it symbolize?
She dropped her handkerchief: What is the meaning of that? And of giving her ring?
And why did he kick the ring away?
What do you thing is the meaning of "the blade was much worn - it went in?
Why does she think "All is over"?
Was she in love with her husband? How do you know?
had set on their purpose for ten years 
no stone in his bride's path
took him in one simple glance
at bay

Why do some women take a male pseudonym to write?
What do you think of positive discrimination?
What is for you the difference between sex and genre?


The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.

It is a good thing to be a great sinner. Or should human beings allow Christ to have died on the Cross for the sake of our petty lies and our paltry whorings. 

All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or tell a story about them. 

All the sorrows of life are bearable if only

we can convert them into a story. 

Truth, like time, is an idea arising from, and dependent upon, human intercourse. 

People work much in order to secure the future; I gave my mind much work and trouble, trying to secure the past. 

If a man can devote himself undisturbed to the work which is on his mind, he can, as far I have observed, completely ignore his surroundings--they disappear for him; he can sit in filth and disorder, draught and cold, and be completely happy. For most women it is insufferable to sit in a room if the color scheme displeases them. 

From my journeys in southern Europe I have gained the impression that in our time the Virgin Mary is the only heavenly creature who is really beloved by millions. But I believe these millions would be uncomprehending and perhaps even offended if I were to tell them that the Virgin Mary had made a significant discovery, solved difficult mathematical problems, or masterfully organized and administered an association of housewives in Nazareth.