The Country Girls, by Edna O'Brien


Josephine Edna O’Brien was born in 1930, in Tuamgraney, County Clare, a small rural village in the west of Ireland. The youngest of four children, she grew up in the atmosphere of Irish National Catholicism of the 1940s, marked by an alcoholic father, who was a farmer, and a strict mother in religious practice who considered writing “a path of perdition”.

After finishing primary school in her village, she was educated at the Convent of Sisters of Mercy, a boarding school in Galway.  In her 20s, she went to university in Dublin where she graduated in Pharmacy in 1950 and where she worked briefly as an apothecary. In 1952, against her parents’ wishes, she married the writer Ernest Gebler, with whom she had two children. They settled in London, where O’Brien turned to writing as a full-time occupation. Ten years later, in 1962, she escaped from a loveless marriage and moved to the desolate suburban London where, at least, she felt free to write.

Her life has been divided between England, where she has lived for more than 50 years and where she writes, and Ireland, where her writing comes from and where it endlessly returns, exploring her home country from a more detached perspective.

Edna O’Brien has publicly acknowledged that James Joyce’s works, especially A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, were her main inspiration and led her to devote to literature for the rest of her life.

Her first novel, The Country Girls, written when she was 30, was published in 1961.  It is the history of two girls who live in a backward and repressive country, especially in rural areas of Ireland. They grow up in their strict homes, attend a convent school from which they are expelled and travel to Dublin and London in search of imaginary opportunities, love and sex. This book was considered a scandal in her country and she was labelled an enemy of Ireland. Her family felt humiliated by this book. It was the first instalment of a trilogy, written in autobiographical style, completed with The Lonely Girl, later published as Girl with Green Eyes, and Girls in the Married Bliss. Now, these two books are set in London, and there the protagonists become disillusioned with marriage and men in general.

She has written more than twenty works of fiction where the main themes are Ireland and women. Some of them are: The High Road, Down by the River, In the Forest, The Light of EveningThe Little Red Chairs, and the last one, written in 2019, Girl, which was inspired by the Nigerian schoolgirls who were kidnapped by members of Boko Haram.

Other notable works include a dramatic work about Virginia Woolf, two important biographies, of James Joyce and Lord Byron, and an autobiographical essay called Mother Ireland.

She also has published nine short story collections where their setting varies, although Ireland appears in several of them. One of them is From Mrs Reinhard and Other Stories, where In the Hours of Darkness is included.

She has died recently, in London, on July 27th, 2024, at the age of 93.


Following the plot of the book, it’s easy to divide this novel in three parts.

First part and first chapter. Last day of the school.

Edna O’Brien writes in first person, remembering her real life when she was fourteen years old, the story of Cait and Baba, two young Irish country girls. They live in a rural area of Ireland, (County Clare), a backward and repressive country. They grow up in their strict homes and they spend their childhood together, going to the same school.

Edna O’Brien presents the following characters:

Cathleen, “Kate” or “Cait” (in Irish) Brady, the protagonist. She is a charming and naïve narrator girl who describes only one day of her life in this first chapter.

And the other ones in order of appearance:

The father’s absence. Cait begins to talk about the figure of her father with coldness, with some insinuations: “The old reason”, “He had not come here”. We will understand later her father drinks too much, has a terrible temper, and a tendency to go on benders and then returning home to beat his wife.

Deep love for her mother, called Mama in the story. Cait says, “She was the best mama in the world”. What happens to her mother along the story? There is a premonition when Cait pronounces these sentences: “She straightened the cap on my head and kissed me three or four times”.

They are the poor Brady family.


Bridge, “Baba” Brennan, Cait’s best friend, is the novel’s deuteragonist. Despite being opposites in most respects, because Cait is dreamy and kindly romantic, and Baba is a lying and jealous girl who wants to dominate many times Cait’s behaviour, they are sometimes allies, and sometimes enemies. She is the daughter of the rich couple Brennan.

Baba’s parents would appear frequently throughout the story.

Hickey, he is the underpaid farm labourer who preserves the family’s fields and animals, and keeps the place going. Cait says “I love him”, but later she changes the word “love” saying “what I really meant was that I was fond of him”.

Jack Holland, owner of the local grocery store who claims loving Cait and says that he wants to marry her. We know he has always been attracted to Cathleen’s mother, but now he is showing his love to Cathleen.

Miss Moriarty, the teacher. As it is the last day of school, Cait and Baba are going to say goodbye to her, and Cait brings her a bunch of lilacs.

The only one character that doesn’t appear in this first chapter is Mr Gentleman, (her real name is de Maurier), a rich French lawyer, much older than Cait. He lives in a nearby manor house with his wife and several children. He has a very important role in the novel. Cait feels attracted to Mr Gentleman, and she imagines her future life with him. Mr Gentleman will be her protector and...

If you read the book, you will know about the relationship between Cait and Mr Gentleman.

Edna O’Brien also describes the rural landscapes of green meadows and wild flowers of Ireland. We are in the poor Brady’s farm, near County Limerick, where fields must be ploughed with effort, and we’re going to discover the daily habits and the atmosphere of Cait’s home when she gets up in the morning and has her breakfast. She describes an Irish village with many small details as the names of trees, flowers, birds…

At the end of this first part, Cait, rushing home to tell her mama she’s won a scholarship to go to a convent school, something very significative happens...

Second part. The oppressive forces of the religious education.

Cait and Baba attend a convent school. They discover that life in the convent is terrible: only prayers, hours of study, and punishments. Cait feels very sorry and sad, but she shines academically. Baba gets into trouble because she hates this school so much, that on several occasions she considers running away. And according to a plan that the manipulator Baba develops, they are both expelled. Their life will change.

Third part. From repression to freedom.

After their expulsion, they move together to Dublin. Baba is sent to a secretarial college and will follow her studies, but Cait will work in a grocery store. They will go to London in search of imaginary opportunities, love and sex in the big city. They struggle to maintain their somewhat tumultuous relationship. At the end of this part, the two girls are 18 years old. And someone who appears along the story clams to find “his country girl” but…

Do you imagine how the book could finish? A happy new life in Dublin, London or another place? Or a sad ending?


I hope to encourage you reading this sensitive book because I think:

Events, people, feelings, emotions and landscape are very well described.

It’s a realistic portrait of Irish people.

The book talks about the discovering of sex without any taboo. This frank treatment of sex and the sharp critique of Irish society in the post-World War II period was considered scandalous at the time in Ireland. But I have not found the obscenities they cite in some references.

Tender and sad book!


-What are the meaning of these expressions (page 6, lines 22), “A nun you are in my eye”, the Kerry Ordertwo heads in one pillow”?

-In your view, using an alarm clock, is it a natural way of waking up? Timetables, are they a better way of organizing our lives, or they're only another way to control us?

-People usually reserve the best plates, tablecloth, cutlery... for visitors. What do you think it's the reason for this? Is it also your habit?

-Aren't you angry when you see an oppressed person happy with their way of life? What would you say to this person?

-In the story there's no much hygiene. In your opinion, does our society exaggerate with cleanness?

-Do you have a kind of talisman you put under your pillow (to sleep better, to have sweet dreams, to not snore...)?

-In your opinion, what is the best way to become your teacher's favourite?

-What is your point of view about religious education? Is it necessary to teach religion in the schools?

-What is the meaning of the last sentence, the maxim "Weep and you weep alone"? Is it true, or it's only an old wives' saying?


ankle socks, dew, hedge, canned sweets, turf house, beamed up, pullet, chicken run, he did his water, flag, flush, clippers, range, sharp, stingy, bog, simmering, paling, boulders, meal, moping, pick your steps, blackbird, fudge, sprees, bout

Miss Pulkinhorn, by William Golding


Another analysis


William Golding was born in Cornwall in 1911. His father was a teacher, but the family was very poor. Nevertheless, they were able to pay his studies in a grammar school and then at the university.

He worked as a teacher like his father before him. He got married and had two children. During the WWII, he served in the Royal Navy as an officer and commanded a ship, although he didn’t belong to the ruler classes.

All his life he was disappointed with the humankind and said “men produced evil as bees produced honey”, and that he lived under (not in) the British class system and that this system was indestructible. This is more or less the message of his most famous book, Lord of the Flies. The novel narrates how a group of educated children gets stranded on a desert island after a plane crash, where all the adults die. They try to organize a society to survive on the island, but they fail because of a disagreement between them that drives them to war and to a regression to savagery.

At the beginning, the book (under the name of Strangers from Within) was rejected by the publisher, but then, after some changes in the text, was accepted. It was published in 1954.

The Spire, published in 1964, is about the construction of a spire on the Salisbury Cathedral. The dean is obsessed with the spire, but the cathedral doesn’t have any foundations, and his stubbornness will destroy human lives around him.

Rites of Passage, which got the Booker Prize in 1980, tells the story of Edmund Talbot, a man sailing to Australia during the Napoleonic time. Edmund Talbot keeps a journal where he records the life on the ship. But, if at the beginning the passage is amusing, it soon becomes cruel because the sailors bully another passenger, Reverend Colley.

William Golding got the Nobel Prize in 1983, after an unexpected and even contentious choice. Other nominees were Claude Simon, Anthony Burgess, Graham Green, and more.

He died at 81 in Cornwall.


Sir Edward, the organist of a cathedral, tells us the story of two sanctimonious people: Miss Pulkinhorn, a bigoted old woman, and a sincere devotee (and perhaps mystic), lunatic old man.

Miss Pulkinhorn watches the behaviour of all people who goes to church, because she thinks that everybody is a Pharisee. According to the organist, she wants to punish one way or another everybody, even himself; and he feels a bit relieved when he is made Sir, because then he knew she couldn’t do any harm to him. But her worst enemy is the fervent old man; she is envious and thinks that he is a hypocrite because he goes to church three times a day to pray ecstatically in front of the Sacrament. She wants to give him a lesson, to punish him for his supposed fake piety.

By the way, you must know that the Sacrament is the holy Host, the bread that means Jesus's body, and that it is kept in a kind of cupboard called sanctuary with a candle near it; if the candle, or light, is lit, then the Sacrament is there; if not, the candle is put out.

One day, Sir Edward has to go to the cathedral to leave a note giving instructions to his substitute because the next day he is going to London. He almost forgot and went there very late. In his way there, he crossed paths with a priest (the precentor) who was carrying the Sacrament to give Canon Blake the last rites, because he was agonizing.

Inside the church, there were only two people more, the verger (or sacristan) Rekeby, who was checking that all things were all right, and Miss Pulkinhorn, all the time spying. After a while, the devout old man entered the church. This time he was late because he had met a poor man and had given him his jacket and shirt, in a kind of charity work; so he was beaming when he kneeled to pray in the chapel of the Sacrament. But the verger, in his round to check the things, saw that the candle of the Sacrament was on, but he didn’t see the old man, because he was in the back of the chapel. However, the Sacrament wasn’t there, and Rekeby thought the precentor had forgotten to blow the candle out; so he put the light out. Now the old man realized that he was praying to the void, and he felt so frustrated that he had a fit: he laughed and cried, went away and collapsed near the door. The organist and Rekeby heard his cries and went to help him; they carried him to the verger’s cottage, and from there he was taken to the hospital, where he died some days after. Meanwhile, Miss Pulkinhorn was still inside the church, but she didn’t come to help.

But, how was it possible the light was on if the Sacrament wasn’t there? The organist suspected that Miss Pulkinhorn lit it after the precentor had put it out when he went away with the Host to Canon Blake. But she made a mistake: as she saw the old man wasn’t coming, although he was always punctual, she thought he wouldn’t come at all and was going to put the candle out again, when she met Sir Edward and couldn’t do it and had to go by.

Sir Edward believed she wanted to chastise the old man, showing him his piety was a fake. But he didn’t say anything and kept watching her from the distance. Miss Pulkinhorn had to know of Sir Edward suspicions, because the evening of the events they saw each other inside the church. However, she went on attending the church with the same stiffness and affected righteousness as ever.

The time passed, until one day, all of a sudden, Miss Pulkinhorn approached Sir Edward and told him that her conscience was perfectly clear. Nevertheless, she died seven days after.


-What are the thirty-nine articles?

-Do you like visiting churches? Is there any you liked best? Is there anyone you remember because of something curious or interesting?

-Have you sung in a choir? Can you tell us your experiences with singing?

-How religious is Sir Edward?

-In your view, what was Miss Pulkinhorn’s cause of death?

-There’s the moon acting upon the characters. Do you think stars, planets and constellations have any influence in our lives?


chapter, what with, rubric, flat, buns, shoddy, ambulatory, sat out, instep, enmeshed, smouldering, curdles, steel-sheer adamant, decani, chantry, stumps, spell, close, turned up, flue, cantered, cheapened, precentor, pyx, aumbry, guttered out, anthem, rush-bottom

Why Be Happy, When You Can Be Normal, by Jeanette Winterson

The writer presents her book in a video

Mercedes Cebrián interviews Jeanette Winterson (video)

Conversation with Bel Olid (video)

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (film)


Jeanette Winterson was born in Manchester in 1959 and was adopted by a very religious family.

At 16, she discovered she was a lesbian and left home.

Her first book, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, a semi-autobiographical novel, tells us her experiences of her childhood and adolescence in this family. (There’s an adaptation of this book for the television.)

She got a job as an assistant editor for a feminist publisher.

Besides writing and editing, she refurbished a house in Spitalfields, and there she opened an organic food shop.

Other books of hers are The Passion, set in the Napoleonic period, and The Daylight Gate, based on the 1612 witch trials in Lancashire.

She had a relation with Pat Kavanagh, Julian Barnes’s wife, but it didn’t last, and Pat went back to her husband.



This first chapter of Why Be Happy... is a sort of introduction to the book and presents some questions that are going to appear along the narrative: her adoption, religion, lesbianism, literature, feminism, parental and filial love. But sometimes you think it’s a kind of revenge against her foster parents, especially her foster mother, an authoritarian person obsessed with the biblical religion.

But all in all, the story is about the research of the protagonist’s biological parents and her own identity. And also trying to discover why she was an adopted girl: was she a desired child, was she given in adoption because her mother didn’t have any money? Because she was very young? Because was the fruit of a non-consented relation? But it seems there was another child to be adopted: why was she the chosen one?

She starts telling us she wrote Oranges and that when Mrs Winterson (her foster mother) finds out she got very angry. Jeanette now describes her appearance and personality: a tall, big woman with a paranoic obsession with religion and strict morality. But she has other peculiarities apart from going to church almost every day: she never sleeps with her husband, she keeps a pistol in a drawer, she believes in spirits…

And Jeanette herself is a very singular creature: she can be violent, she deceives her friends, she keeps a part from the rest of schoolmates, she likes reading…


And in the next chapters she is going to tell us how she learnt English Literature reading all the books of the library in alphabetical order, how she bought second hand books, and she had to hide them, how Mrs Winterson found them and burned them, and thus she decided to write her own, why she left her home at sixteen, how she earned some money working in a market, how she lived in a Mini, how she felt in love with a she-schoolmate, what were the working-class lives like under Margaret Thatcher, what were her opinions about her, how her Literature teacher took in her house, how she could go to Oxford to study Literature…

What kind of people were Mr and Mrs Winterson, what kind of relationship they had, why they didn’t sleep together, what kind of religion was the Pentecostal church, what kind of books she read…

There are also very interesting remarks about literature: i.e., people who read King James’s Bible could understand more easily Shakespeare because they were written in the same 17th century English.

But the big part of the story is the research and finally, after a long process and innumerable bureaucratic hurdles, finding out who her mother was, meeting her and tying to accommodate herself with her new relatives.




-Do you think there’s always something missing in an adopted child?

-What would you say if a writer used your person as a character for a novel?

-What is for you to be “normal”?

-What can you tell about the story of Philomel?

-The narrator mention “stammering” when you have had a kind of trauma. What do you know about the causes of stammering?

-What can you tell us about these films: Secrets and Lies, by Mike Leigh, and Rosemarys Baby, by Roman Polanski?




crib, McCarthyism, flare, Pentecostal, bare-knuckle fighter, copperplate, be borne up on the shoulders, duffel-coat. Shift, cover story, flash-dash, terraced house, tick-box, catapult, misfit, forensically, shot, Philomel, blotted, vale, thug, seances, poodle, larder, cap-gun

Carmina Burana, by Several Poets

Carmina Burana (“Songs of Burana”) is a collection of medieval poetry. It’s the largest and most varied surviving anthology of medieval Latin poetry. The poems belong to the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries. They were written mostly in Latin, although some ones are in German because the manuscript was found in Bavaria, in a Benedictine monastery, Benedickbeuern, “Benedictoburanum” in Latin. The poems are about love, sex, gaming and drinking in taverns, and they are bawdy, anticlerical, satirical and irreverent.
They were written mostly by goliards, that is, clergy students that had abandoned the seminar and went travelling around Europe reciting their poems. The word “goliard” seems to come from Goliath, and so meant something bad, or the devil. Some sources say that they were Abelard students. Abelard was a philosopher, poet and theologian, famous for his romantic affair with the nun Heloïse. They had a child, although they supposed to be celibates, and the result of this conflict was that Abelard was castrated by her uncle. A good definition of “goliard” is “a drop-out and spoiled priest gone wild.”
So the goliards were a kind of entertaining travellers, and, contrasting with the troubadours, (who, by the way, wrote in a vernacular language), they praised the physical love.
These were the centuries when the first universities were being built, when reading silently for oneself and without moving the lips (an accomplishment of Saint Jerome which impressed his fourth century admirers) was a growing skill. Latin was an international language, and students used to travel not only to earn their living or to enjoy the life, but in search of teachers and their theories.
However, the Carmina Burana collection wasn’t found until 1803 and published in 1847.
It consists of songs of morals and mockery, love songs, songs of drinking and gaming and two spiritual theatre pieces.
Carl Orff created a musical composition based on some of these poems.
Only a few authors are known:
Hugh of Orléans (1093-1160). He spent his life roaming France. His nickname was Primas because they say he was a master of poetry.
Peter of Blois (1135-1212). He was the secretary of Henry II of England. He taught English in Paris and was Archdeacon of Bath.
Walter de Châtillon (1135-1204). He worked for Henry II and was secretary of the Archbishop of Rheims. He also worked as a teacher in Châtillon.
And a poet called the Archpoet, patronized as Poet Laureate by Rainard of Dassel (♰1165), Chancellor of Frederick I, aka Barbarossa. They say he was the coughing ghost because the word “cough” appears in some of his poems, and we don’t know anything else of him.
Abelard (1079-1142) wrote some poems in his youth, but we don’t know if some of the Carmina Burana poems are his.

Two poems translated from Latin into English by David Parlett

O Fortuna 

O how Fortune, 


apes the moon's inconstancy: 

waxing, waning, 

losing, gaining, 

life treats us detestably: 

first oppressing 

then caressing 

shifts us like pawns in her play: 



mixes and melts them away. 

Fate, as vicious 

as capricious, 

whirling your merry-go-round: 

evil doings, 

worthless wooings, 

crumble away to the ground: 

darkly stealing, 


working against me you go: 

for your measure 

of foul pleasure 

I bare my back to your blow. 

Noble actions, 

true transactions, 

no longer fall to my lot: 

powers to make me 

then to break me 

all play their part in your plot: 

now seize your time — 

waste no more time, 

pluck these poor strings and let go: 

since the strongest 

fall the longest 

let the world share in my woe.

In taberna quando sumus 

In the tavern when we're drinking, 

though the ground be cold and stinking, 

down we go and join the action 

with the dice and gaming faction. 

What goes on inside the salon 

where it's strictly cash per gallon 

if you'd like to know, sir, well you 

shut your mouth and I shall tell you.

Some are drinking, some are playing, 

some their vulgar side displaying: 

most of those who like to gamble 

wind up naked in the scramble; 

some emerge attired in new things, 

some in bits and bobs and shoestrings: 

no one thinks he'll kick the bucket 

dicing for a beery ducat.


First to those who pay for wallowing, 

then we layabouts toast the following: 

next we drink to all held captive, 

thirdly drink to those still active, 

fourthly drink to the Christian-hearted, 

fifthly drink to the dear departed, 

sixthly to our free-and-easy sisters, 

seventhly to all out-of-work enlisters.

Eighthly drink to friars deconverted, 

ninthly, monks from monast'ries diverted, 

tenthly, sailors of the oceans, 

eleventhly, louts who cause commotions, 

twelfthly, those who wear the penitential, 

thirteenth, and whose journey is essential — 

to this fat pope, to that thin king — 

who the hell cares why they're drinking!

Drinking tinker, drinking tailor, 

drinking soldier, drinking sailor, 

drinking rich man, drinking poor man, 

drinking beggarman, thief and lawman, 

drinking servant, drinking master, 

drinking mistress, drinking pastor, 

drinking doctor, drinking layman, 

drinking drunkard, drinking drayman: 

Drinking rude man, drinking proper, 

drinking tiddler, drinking whopper, 

drinking scholar, drinking gypsy, 

drinking drunk or maudlin tipsy, 

drinking father, drinking mother, 

drinking sister, drinking brother, 

drinking husbands, wives and lovers

and a hundred thousand others — 

Half a million pounds would never 

pay for all we drink together: 

for we drink beyond all measure, 

purely for the sake of pleasure: 

thus you see us, poor and shoddy, 

criticized by everybody —  

God grant that they be confounded 

when at last the trump is sounded!